Village of Spectres

Village of Spectres

Author: Thom Poole

ISBN: 978-1-291-33056-4
ASIN: B00594L5SS (Kindle)

Print Details: 5.83" x 8.26", perfect bound paperback, white interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-colour exterior ink.

Pages: 258

Weight: 0.44 kg

Dimensions (centimetres): 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

© 2011

RRP: £7.99 (paperback)
RRP: £1.19 (Kindle)

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Cover of The Village of Spectres

A ghost story based in Sussex following the exploits of a group of experts and amateurs in ridding the village of its spectres.

How This Book Came About

This was Thom's first novel and a book that had been brewing for many years. When Thom was preparing for a short holiday he pondered which books he should take to read. Instead of reading any books, he took a notepad and started writing the book. It is based in the fictional village of Verdley in West Sussex - based on the village where Thom lived and using many of the landmarks he knew.


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